This will allow the Peasant to enter the maze while the Lord watches on from above. Here's a close look at what we know about the Moselle estate. Both players unlock for completing chapter 2. Go downstairs and pull the blue lever on the wall opposite of you (it should be in plain view from the stairs). We Were Here Together #1. Vi allego anche il collegamento alla recensione. When you light up the three lights, look on the left side of the generator for a crank you can interact with to progress with this puzzle. After the previous knights, the next riddle will be around the OTHER four knights along the royal throne. Go up once and exit, head right and wait by the lever. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Player 2 will have to find the same objects in their room and tell Player 1 where they need to be placed to match their room. Two players first approach two elevators (diamond mark) and turn in. The player in the hall can move the curtains behind the knight to highlight it. Both players unlock for completing chapter 1. Both players by this point will unlock The Curse of Castle Rock, The Curse of Castle RockObtained all We Were Here Together trophies, Minor IllusionSolve the puzzles of the Grand Alchemist. Interact with it. FR = funghiribramis (3 storey mushroom) Now walk to the chessboard in the middle of the courtyard. Here are the recipes from another players room: In the other room can you find all the equipment. As the Librarian, walk through the room with the table in the center and you will see red pipes leading past a newly opened door in the far corner. Walk under the white gate to the compass on the ground. Continue around the building and use the snow to get on top of the roof. At first, one player can find 4 objects in his room to collect. The only thing you see is a big abyss and the beginning of a bridge. Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored. The second player will have poles there that are wired. Valve 1 (square) is right in front and slightly to the right of player 1 as he left his bedroom. These are necessary to the installation because it will be necessary to transmit flames of a certain color. Player 1 head outside and through the wooden gate. Third space second curved pipe and rotate right once connecting down and right. Mix a yellow fish head plant and a yellow liquid cup pull the lever to get dark red liquid. Move the Black Pawn (front row of pieces) that is 5th from the left two spaces forward. Unlocking cross-play for the first time in the history of the We Were Here Series. On the pedestal near the stairs there is a spherical purple device, it glows when the first player approaches certain crystals. Player 2 wall shows which fuses work next to each other, Player 1 must tell Player 2 which fuses are already placed onto the tesla coils and Player 2 must tell Player 1 which fuses can work with the previous coil. We Were Here is a cooperative first-person puzzle video game developed by Total Mayhem Games from The Netherlands, released for free on February 3, 2017, on Steam for PC. The same symbols are on every part of the bridge. When you open the door at the end of the maze, you will both earn your respective roles' achievements. With these buttons, he must build that wave, which the player on top of it is shown in a different color. Unlocked by Player 1 for completing Chapter 8. Please refer to Reflection for more information. Now player 1 needs to head outside and through the wooden gate. Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, friends, and curators you follow. the one part that was a pain in the ass was PL, which . you can choose between: Mistover How to Defeat Orbis Brain (Boss 4), where in the world in chapter 7 poisons is the weird mushroom with the holes, there is no seed packet or recipe i could find. . The next knight at the window will be with a yellow curtain. The newest game in the series, We Were Here Together, is easily twice the size of the previous two games both in length and production value. Rescue your partner from the watersiloUnlocked by Player 2 for completing the second puzzle in Chapter 7. Eventually we want to create the Soulstone. One of the player can put spheres with elements on the baord and the second can draw lines between them. These abbreviations must be decrypted by the second player, since he has a book with decryptions. There are 5 of it in the room and you need to light them all. The red arrow on the compass points north. OX = OIxymurexoris (carrot) Based on recipes, combine the ingredients here. If you save it for the third run and beat the game without mistakes or dying on Run 2, Run 3 will only have to be up until the Dungeon. One puts objects in a trolley and presses a lever. The rooms of two players are connected by rails with trolleys. We were here together|!. Once de-iced pick up valve 5 (pentagon), head back outside through the small garage door and head straight and you will come to a wooden gate, use valve 5 on the wooden gate. Hope that helps! @Yoel the player below left a kind comment.? Turn around and leave the room, heading up the stairs. P1 goes to the blue lever. In the middle is a table with a lever that supplies electricity and capsules with the same colored lines as the second player. After that, we change the pipes in the slots. There will be the white gate in front of you with a white lever on the right wall. It takes around 6-8 hours . Next, the player on the right returns to the elevator with a pickaxe, lowers it 1 time and returns to the elevator with a dinosaur skull. To escape, do the following steps with your friend. In the middle of this area, there will be a staircase with a white lever at the top. Both Players need to read the poems to each other to to figure out which weapon and which shield goes with each knight. In player 1s room. At the end of chapter 10, Player 2 has the option to sacrifice themselves or Player 1. The released player will find a hall in which there are 4 of the same statues of knights infrront of colored curtains. The player on the street should pull the lever with the number 7 on both tanks. We just got back from a fantastic time at EGX in London - maybe you came by to play the new We Were Here Together demo, or spotted our t-shirts or beanies around the show! Crouch through the hole and in the vines are two more pipes. To do this, pull the yellow and blue levers and arrange three slots in two rooms of the pipe. On the left and right side of the wall you will find a note with combinations to solve the riddle. Move the Black Pawn (front row of pieces) that is 2nd from the left one space forward. Click. Her comment read, "*No hate we love Shayne . Go out of your room and find your friend. Your email address will not be published. The first player must place the collected pictures in the indicated places. The task is to arrange the pipes so that there are no leaks in any of the rooms. When you come to your first left turn, take it and pull the blue lever in this room. If no mistakes were made and the Explorer never died, you will both earn: What r you doing?Perfect play Submerged Hallway2 guides. In this puzzle, one of the players builds a bridge through the mechanism in the cave, and the other steps on it. Assisted in escaping the Dungeon ..and didnt skip leg day. Top dial is straight, the second dial is also straight and third dial is all the way left, finally press the button. P2 do the same with its own. Player 2 should solve the first gear which is Saturn NW by moving the cogs to connect the center cog to the ladder cog in the NW of the compass. The player in the corridors turns that yellow lever again. Player 1 can now move onto the next section of the bridge which has two small staircases. Please refer to Cardinal Correction for more information. Your fellow Antarctic explorers are in trouble, and the two of you left at base camp must . Second space Curved pipe rotate left once connecting down and right. The player of the two-lever room must go to the empty fountain and go down the stairs to turn the valve, which will launch the puzzle. P1 goes down the corridor to the right to the next platform through the blue gate (P2 is still at the lever and can turn it) turns the platform counterclockwise passing to the yellow lever and activate. We Were Here Together - 100% Achievement Walkthrough We Were Here Together is a first-person cooperative puzzle adventure set in and aroun Show more Show more We Were Here. The way this will work is that one player will have to work their way into a small cellar with the bridge-building mechanism, while the other will have to tell him what to do. In one corridor there is a knight whose lever is broken. :D here if you want to donate anything X3 me on Twitter! Exit out the lift and head right all the way to the dinosaur skull lift. Get into the lift press go down, get out the lift and head back up the slope back to the dinosaur skull lift. Again from left to right if you lokk straight to the wall. Now head to the blue switch. We have both traded places, send pictures and videos to each other, and still NOTHING. The player on the bridge goes on it successively stepping on each sign. Once matched music will play and the wave will show up on player 2s monitor, now player 1 can press right twice and instruct player two to match the waves again this must be done a total of three times to hear the emergency SOS signal. Through the fierce blizzard, a flare lights the sky, followed by a cry for help over the radio - broken, dying No one else can come to their rescue. This video contains all the entire game, and all puzzle solutions.Thanks to my co-op partner LoveBoatGopher.Steam Community Guide that was instrumental in helping create this video: Maka91Productions on Patreon -- Credits: CultGamerAlliance, Camran Riaz, MclovinLegend, NoblestSteed, Inferno21, hamadriano, ElDylto1612, \u0026 BulletMastery. E1 already has a grass pin and we know that Fire beats grass so Player must place a fire pin into B3 and player 2 must connect the two pins and blue line will appear if done correctly. Having received all three potions, they need to be folded into another device with three slots. These cookies do not store any personal information. Each of the stairs refers to a specific symbol. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with We Were Here Together. The lifts work in tandem, when one goes up the one on the other side will go down. DO NOT TURN THE VALVE JUST YET AS THIS STARTS THE PUZZLE. Walk through a door on either side to gain access to the stage. One device with two slots and the other with three. Lord: There is a sewer with the symbols behind them, glowing red. You see now an old, broken mine with a lot of wodden elevators. Drop down onto the lower part of the roof and pick up Valve 4 (rectangle) . First space t-junction rotate left connecting left, right and up. Turn around and leave the room, heading up the stairs. Valve 2 (cross) is in the room to the right, which is the radio room. Once player 2 has the first solution ready Player 1 can turn the valve to begin the puzzle. clttf 1.9 1 2:30:54 B62 (We were here too + 539 0 44:18 We Were Here Too - Puzzle Solutions A straightforward guide to solving the puzzles of We Were Here Too with images. All rights reserved. In the mixer place a yellow cup and a green bucket pull the lever to get a dark green liquid in a mug. Player 1 use the turnstile go forward and right to the next turnstile. Head down the stairs and pick up the seeds on the floor by the overturned cart this is for the yellow fish like plant. The special thing about it is, that they are paired on both sides and their feature is that lifting one elevator on the left side, you lower the other on the right side. You need to brew the following poisons to create one, deadly poison to defeat the carnivorous plant. Every other rung on the ladder has a symbol and above the well is a compass with each symbol also having a direction. PA = pristaxiofilexorate (yellow fruits) Now pull the switch on the console. Turn around and walk up the stairs to leave the room. We need a dual-slot. You wake up in a small house in the middle of nowhere. Our first mission is to find 5 valves to open all doors around the house. Pick it up. Popular user-defined tags for this product: Check out the entire We Were Here Official franchise on Steam, We Were Here Together: Original Soundtrack, 126 Curators have reviewed this product. Player 2 pull the blue lever in the tunnel and wait there. Lowers it 1 time. There is a key below: Remember to turn the prop continuously (5-6 times each_ until it is fully extended or retracted to be sure to get the "perfect play". Before standing on the centerpiece though, cross the room and ascend the stairs. Player 1 unlocks Grand OrdersPlayer 2 unlocks Cardinal Correction and We Were Here. We Were Here - 100% Full Game Walkthrough - All Achievements (FREE w/ GAMES WITH GOLD) + Puzzle Solutions Guide (Perfect Play)Buy We Were Here: Full Game Walkthroughs: will gain all 26 achievements for 1,000 gamerscore during this 100% achievement walkthrough of We Were Here for Xbox One, and PC. You wake up in a small house in the middle of nowhere. In the hallway, follow along the right wall, going around the corner. Assisted in escaping the Submerged Hallway ..and became a qualified plumber. PEASANT: You must direct Lord to move the knight towards the other soldiers on the board protecting the castle. One of you can collect paintings that depict strange animals. Head back to the rack and pick up another blue bottle with the blue plant (DL) and place it into the splitter on the left.