condolence message for political leader

Her work with the Green Belt Movement in Kenya and as an activist for civil and womens rights in Kenya and beyond received worthy recognition internationally when she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2004. Speaking directly to readers, he reiterates the basic idea that anyone with the ambition and ability to take power clearly possesses the exact qualities that will make them apt to mismanage that power. May God grant peace to the deceased and extend blessings to his family. Thats democracy for you. Mr. He was indeed God sent. Your father was a great leader. I express my sincere sympathy to the family. Sending you warm sympathies after the loss of your aunt/uncle. The work of the Green Belt Movement stands as a testament to the power of grassroots organizing, proof that one persons simple ideathat a community should come together to plant treescan make a difference, first in one village, then in one nation, and now across Africa. You gave a new meaning to respect for Human dignity. recently shared 100+ awesome profile pic comments for Facebook. It was a speech laced with political undertones but on the surface respectful to both the late Queen and King Charles. It was my tremendous privilege to meet her in that very location last month. Holding you close in our thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time. People pay more attention when writing condolence messages for loss of a great leader because the messages get viewed by the masses. Indeed Dr. Jagan, may well have left for us a blueprint for enhancing the human condition, in his several viable proposals, the wisdom of which will certainly help to guide the region in the immediate future and beyond In all his endeavours, Dr. Jagans unparalleled humility and humanity saw no issue as being too large or too small when advancing the cause of the common folk As a people , we are all the richer for the wisdom and contribution of Dr. Her charisma was remarkable and she literally held hundreds of young people in her hand, and I have no doubt but she was a formative influence on them. No matter how corrupt, greedy, and heartless our government, our corporations, our media, and our religious and charitable institutions may become, the music will still be wonderful.Kurt Vonnegut,A Man Without A CountryOn the other hand, though, theres Kurt Vonneguts look-on-the-bright-side positivism, probably most appropriate for readers on a pop-culture site. It has been a great privilege to know and work with Wangari through our joint efforts in the Nobel Womens Initiative, launched in January 2006. The world has lost a powerful force for peace, democracy and women's rights. Sharing in your sorrow. Her tireless commitment to humanity was evident in everything she didfrom planting trees and listening to women in refugee camps to amplifying the voices of the disempowered to leaders and decision makers around the globe. Dr. Jagan can rest comfortably in the secure knowledge that he fulfilled for his country and the region much more than could be expected from a single human being even one as exceptional as he. The environment and the defence of Human rights will remain at the heart of the concerns and reflections of Kenya, of Africa and of the international community. I am always here for you, and I am sending you love and strength during this distressing time. Her understanding of the link between human poverty and the quality of the natural environment undoubtedly influenced a generation of environmentalists and policymakers. 5. The director was a perfect man and a great human being. Rachel A. Arungah Commissioner Public Service Commission of KenyaVice Chairperson, Commissioners and members of the Public service commission join the family and friends of our great daughter, mother and friend in mourning her passing on when there was still too much for her to do. Burns, The SimpsonsWhen Springfield plutocrat Mr. Burns runs for governor, hoping to change environmental law so he can save $56 million by not updating his dangerously broken-down power plant, the Simpson family, as usual, gets in the way. Her uncompromising stand in trying to ensure that ECOSOCC was an independent and Civil Society voice within the African Union might have not found favour with some but remains the invaluable legacy she leaves us with, to ponder and nurture. We all knew her as a voice of reason, a lady who stood above our artificial divisions of race, tribe and region and championed the cause of humanity. I had an opportunity to serve with her in the 9th Parliament. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for this unfortunate event. Perhaps because she was always advocating for something better, she did not stop often enough to reflect on how she had already made the world a better place. Hes not only a hero but a legend, who I will love forever more. Francis Ole Kaparo Former Speaker of Kenya National AssemblyAs her House Speaker and friend, and as a person in the conservation world both fauna and flora, I am greatly shocked by the loss of Hon Wangari Maathai. My sincere condolences. Her tireless work on behalf of societys least privileged meant she often ran afoul of those in power, leading to imprisonment and financial hardship. In these difficult circumstances, I would like to express my sincere condolences which I kindly ask you to transmit to her family, as well as to the government and the people of Kenya. Professor, the youth who you inspired say Hongera for the great achievement you made, Rest in Peace. Your legacy will live with WCK! The director is now with the angels above. "He was the brightest gem in the land." Here are some examples of condolence messages you can send to a colleague who has recently lost their parent: Extending my deepest sympathies for the loss of your [mother/father]. I am sure what she has done for Kenya will remain forever. May God bless you and comfort you. Condolence messages for loss of a great leader We will miss Mama Miti! We will miss the laughter and warmth your brother brought to work. I would like to express, in the name of France, my most sincere condolences to her family, to her relatives and to the Kenyan people. Your father's passing has left an immense void he indeed was an outstanding man. God has a beautiful reward for you! You have left a legacy for us to protect and preserve Mother Nature for the future generations. She understood the deep connection between local and global problems, and she helped give ordinary citizens a voice. Wangari Maathai was a force of nature. May [Name] memories comfort you. An ardent defender of the environment, she linked her fight against deforestation, which began in the 1970s, to the fight for democracy and justice, to the defense of human rights and the promotion of equality between men and women. My most heartfelt condolences! We all cherished his wisdom. Your father will be missed. I express my earnest commiseration to you and your siblings on the demise of your brother, you and your family are in my heart. Sending sympathies can let the individual know that you care about their grief. Message: We are very sorry for the tragic death of Madhavarao Scindia one of our able leaders. Her passion shone through in everything she did, from her work on womens equality to her tireless championing of the rainforests. That lesson has been borne out more times than humanity can count. While The Simpsons still stands as the go-to source for pithy, universal responses to life, other pop-culture sources also have useful things to say when we cant find the right words ourselves. May God shower light on your life ahead and guide you through these sad days. The chairman, as he was known to us, was a great leader. Cregg, The West WingAllison Janney earned a fandom with her portrayal of West Wings White House Press Secretary C.J., a brisk, smart, no-nonsense professional with a talent for clever phrasing and no-nonsense rebuttals. It is with a lot of sadness that I learnt about the death of your compatriot Madam Wangari Maathai, a former minister and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Please remember that you are not alone as you mourn the death of your sister. My deepest sympathies for the loss of your husband. She also was an icon for all environmentally minded people in Germany and for all of us who fought for freedom and human rights! Consider the person you are writing to, the deceased, and the thoughts you want . For more, click here. We cannot tire or give up. Worthy advice for those who will carry on her work. Indias Prime Minister, H.D. We were saddened to hear of your loss. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of such a fantastic person. They illustrate the kind of man, Cheddi Jagan was to his supporters, his peers and to his opponents: The people of Guyana: "He was the Mahatma Gandhi of Guyana." This used to be a hell of a good country. The loss of a boss like you is something that can never be recovered. I am convinced that her work will not, and should not, be in vain. May the Almighty grant the family of our boss strength. The footprints she has left on our continent will bear everlasting witness to posterity that a great lady, A true Pan-African and a lover of nature, walked this earth. Here are some of those messages. Please accept our condolences on the passing of your brother. Sumiko Kito Japan Broadcasting Corp Thank you Dr. Wangari Maathai, people of Japan will not forget you for the encouragements you gave us and many movements you have started in our country. Condolence messages for loss of a great leader start pouring in immediately after the famous person's death is announced. It uses the seven components that should be part of a condolence letter; however, there is no need to follow this template. In any situation, writing a sympathy note can be challenging. Condolences from World Leaders and Friends The following tributes from world leaders to Professor Wangari Maathai have been received. History will rightly record her most celebrated accomplishments, including that she was the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. May her soul rest in eternal peace. He was wise beyond his years. Death and grief are part of human experiences. Many write an excellent condolence message, but words fail them. Don't be too casual with the message unless you were close friends with the boss. May the love of family and friends comfort you during these difficult days, our/my most heartfelt condolences. RIP boss. Your mothers memories will be treasured in this organization and further. Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made president should on no account be allowed to do the job. Douglas Adams, The Restaurant At The End Of The UniverseZaphod Beeblebrox and his crew aboard the starship Heart Of Gold are on their way to meet the mysterious Ruler Of The Universe when author Douglas Adams takes a break from the action for a brief chapter on political theory. We were sad to hear the news about your father's passing. I had the privilege of spending time with Professor Maathai on many occasions over the past few years. Marc was a highly respected member of the accounting department for 22 years.