Average NC teacher pay is nearly $58,000, state says. WCPS Graduates earn $16.1 million in College Aid WCPS ranks 6th (out of 115 LEAs) in NC for its Career & Technical Education concentrators who earned a Silver certificate or higher on the ACT WorkKeys assessments Literacy at Home: NC Digital Children's Reading Initiative 74% of WCPS Graduates plan to pursue higher education Register now! 170 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<77384F15527C4C98B443CEDFB95C1D73>]/Index[133 68]/Info 132 0 R/Length 159/Prev 436827/Root 134 0 R/Size 201/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream State law and Washington County Public Schools (WCPS) policy and regulation require that all WCPS employees immediately make a report to the Washington County Department of Social Services if they suspect that a student has been the victim of abuse (physical abuse, mental injury, sexual abuse, human trafficking or neglect). Instructional Technology and Library Media, Wake County Board of Education District 4 Vacancy, Wake Early College of Information and Biotechnologies, Farmington Woods Magnet Elementary School, Reedy Creek Magnet Middle School Center for the Digital Sciences, Wake Early College of Health and Sciences, Wake Forest iSTEM Magnet Elementary School, North Carolina Public Schools Benefits and Employment Policy Manua, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Safe Return to School Plan. %PDF-1.7 % Reach out to your principal with questions specific to your school or student. Excused absences include: You'll need to provide a note within two days of your child's return to school or the absences will be recorded as unexcused. To be marked present, a student must complete their daily assignments and/or be present in synchronous (live, realtime instruction), though a webcam is not required for remote learning. Copyright var d = new Date();document.write(d.getFullYear()); Wake County Public School System, Non-Discrimination Policy Stay home for 5 days (from the onset of symptoms). n> 0sEd4#au~OIcjIzx]x_AU{%x g9z:ys9VE>#fxaD4f/2h^wfA'#gb g} g5!oH^z3MTz.e5Bzhn|K})L#&dQ5VFcgGOc}AWI\r4F!v^cCyf'S aj{ iBI7^Vi).ok_KnGP3gCC =yV':P g/hoDkCO1SWG]UF!6a{3Z+!gPRBCf-/h4T] ^v : All permanent personnel employed at least half-time are eligible for non-paid leave for up to one calendar year for the birth or adoption of a child. Employees may use earned leave upon the approval of their immediate supervisor. Sick leave is accrued on a monthly basis. Instructional Technology and Library Media, Wake County Board of Education District 4 Vacancy, Wake Early College of Information and Biotechnologies, Returning To School After a Diagnosis or Other Illness, Farmington Woods Magnet Elementary School, Reedy Creek Magnet Middle School Center for the Digital Sciences, Wake Early College of Health and Sciences, Wake Forest iSTEM Magnet Elementary School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. The district is offering a test to stay option for asymptomatic students to reduce quarantine time. ko"#1r`8_`d:x Policy ID#: 1.1 1.1.8 Substitute Employee As used in these policies "substitute employee" means a person employed to fill in for a permanent employee who is using paid leave. 135 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2D1F0ED2701BB04A91CB5E5665B77F87>]/Index[120 41]/Info 119 0 R/Length 80/Prev 104824/Root 121 0 R/Size 161/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream The Wake County Public School System has passed a motion to make face masks recommended, but not required. Although schools and child care centers may have their own rules, it is common for them to require the following before a child can return to the setting: No fever over 100.4 for 24 hours. WCPSS is requiring sick students to stay home and quarantine. Returning To School After a COVID-19 Diagnosis or Other Illness. G2j7d%e?ab&G8|>c)Aq;mN4wLd&D`SUp$e0A/y(RbD:ZX |& uMWigkM2(k0K#b8elRIE"0vg0TiF+NRSdjb5]D aJ!i;8C Unused extended sick leave does not . ^dZXV)#G3T |br[)hDp[Ac`4"*s:^pj!XcW=]S3oxmdm _9`^y6,*hh@GCHN?Hc' P} _8 9GsyZf_h?%VT`_NL=+|VdPdjoS04Jc"~{XRe9-:3luV&QVy=;P %i"rxnM`Wl=_ Y(OFvRM^x}A^xUci9T 1nct] y/WcpA#;(X_ps Soap & paper towel dispensers continue to be checked regularly and replenished. hbbd``b`Z$9@$6H0wY Rb-6X D+H$LUL@#%/ ZD Help protect your children -- and their classmates -- when they're under the weather, so that they can return to the classroom healthy and ready to learn. Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. This is the disclaimer text. For more information, review School Board Policy 4400: Attendance. The district is strongly encouraging eligible students and adults to get vaccinated. There are specific regulations for substitute teachers, See Section 11.1. Sick Time. The health professionals at the Washoe County School Districts Student Health Services Department are dedicated to keeping students healthy and learning-ready.With 63,000 students and more than 7,000 staff members spending time at Washoe County schools each day, keeping the school environment safe and healthy can be quite a challenge. deduction is mandatory whether or not a substitute is employed. The district requires masks indoors and on school buses but not outdoors. Heres why Wake schools say theyre not easing their indoor face mask requirements, NC Supreme Court blocks transfer of school funds in Leandro court case, Get ready to change your clocks. Website Feedback People who are at risk for severe illness with COVID-19 who test positive are recommended to consult with a healthcare provider right away for possible treatment, even if their symptoms are mild. This story was originally published December 31, 2021, 5:55 AM. Community Education for Adults and Children, Apoyo de tecnologa para las familias de escuela intermedia, Apoyo de tecnologa para las familias de escuela primaria, Apoyo de tecnologa para las familias de escuela secundaria, Educational Options and Academic Opportunities, Native American Culture and Education Program, Technology Learning Supports - Elementary School, Technology Learning Supports - High School, Technology Learning Supports - Middle School, Office of Communications and Community Engagement, Board Policy and Regulations for Public Review, Board Policy and Administrative Regulation, Medical Emergency Response and Triage Training Program. hVm8+[l'R-Rw{Z|BF%i,w:q&piP0DE0D$H.`Dj Kb$" #xrHhi7&. Retired employees may contact (919) 733-4191. She said a switch to remote learning is not the best option for students. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] per day. Any request for accommodations or modifications to the school environment to accommodate a medical condition that renders a student high risk should be handled through a 504 or IEP team. Pca!h3n35`&__% {Qf'w^w xBL&i4,@4/7g t Professional Leave may be either short-term or long-term. Students may have a medical plan of care prepared by a school nurse. 200 0 obj <>stream >> The policy means a student can't be marked absent if they can't log in, as long as they meet one of those requirements. District officials said the revised policy is based on guidance from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. On antibiotics for 24 hours, if applicable. (-W8)JMiE?@;j/K 1Fm:qkz84 For those in grades Pre-K through 5, that would be the homeroom teacher. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. endobj Privacy Policy Hand sanitizer dispensers continue to be checked and replenished. define attendance during remote learning Tuesday evening. Website Feedback Accumulated balance may not exceed five days. To minimize the spread of COVID-19, we follow prevention strategies from the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If a student has a disabling condition that renders the student medically high risk for complications from COVID-19, the 504 or IEP team should gather reliable medical evidence (including a medical evaluation if necessary) and then determine whether appropriate accommodations can reasonably be made in the school environment. The mandate applies to Pre-K through 12th grade. <> stream According to NC General Statute and Wake County Board of Education policy, all new school system employees are expected to undergo a brief physical exam, which typically includes a test for tuberculosis. Student Illness-- If your child is sick or not feeling well, please keep them home and inform their . She said the district will soon incorporate a test to stay program, which allows asymptomatic people who have been exposed to COVID-19 to take a COVID-19 test instead of quarantining. Your child should stay home from school if she/he: has an undiagnosed fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, vomiting or diarrhea, has purulent (green or yellow) drainage from eyes, nose, or ears, has tested positive for COVID-19 (lab or home test), appears mildly ill and is unable to participate in normal school activities, needs more care than can be provided by school staff. Schools and work sites should designate a point person to provide at-home test kits to parents and guardians, and staff with symptoms of COVID-19 upon request. Official leave policies are documented in the WCPSS Board Policy 3000 Series, Policies 2280, 3800, and 4800 and in the North Carolina Public Schools Benefits and Employment Policy Manual. Schools and office buildings will be routinely cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis and will include, but are not limited to, classrooms, offices, restrooms, public areas, health suites, and isolation rooms. I'm an Organization User / Campus User. View resources for students and families to help improve their health and wellness. Website Feedback It is recommended that students and staff stay home if they are sick, not feeling well, or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 and recommend getting tested for COVID-19. }]A/7/?i/[hQUQd54EL=rL_QEsO(%oB4os|KWt_gC'fqk/sW-qQ7s[dgM`*nw=mE^\9m6 "Say, for example, where someone doesn't have access to a device or some special circumstance comes up. has purulent (green or yellow) drainage from eyes, nose, or ears. That also applies to students who live with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, according to state and local health guidelines. Before you create a sick leave policy As you plan for your policy, you must adhere to any compliance laws in your state, as well as federal legislation. has an undiagnosed skin rash. Privacy Policy Symptoms Fever of 100.4 or higher Diarrhea Nausea and Vomiting Severe headache Red, watery eyes with yellow discharge 'p4vb|BSr={l94daLY4;J% ` This summer, NCDHHS phased out the StrongSchools NC Public Health Toolkit. Privacy Policy ?cZT!kB,Q"DDg,Cm}I6w06;H8m'nY|Dg R>lZ+3$@F8n!w@%zBL NC Board of Education wants higher teacher pay and new pay for performance model, Native American students could wear feathers at high school graduations if NC bill OKd, Expelled UNC student says he was targeted by women who falsely accused him of assault, Crimes, guns, suspensions and dropouts soar in NC public schools after the pandemic, GOP lawmakers try again to change who runs NC schools for deaf and blind students. It is recommended to be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and have an improvement in symptoms before returning to school or work. Paid leave for Military or Jury Duty is available as required. 12 0 obj Keep them home when they show any symptom of illness. hb```l eah1`db8zQM|9Z>_~oFZT>O'4K;88$XW9a/((NvU, This is often your district email address. Schools will soon offer weekly COVID-19 tests on campus for students and staff as a way to curb the spread of the virus, WCPSS said. endobj Returning To School After a COVID-19 Diagnosis or Other Illness To minimize the spread of COVID-19, we follow prevention strategies from the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). COVID-19 Reporting - Required by North Carolina General Statute. We welcome your feedback. Families and staff should continue to report positive cases to their principal or supervisor. If questions arise regarding whether a particular accommodation is reasonable or appropriate, schools should contact the Special Education Services department or District 504 Team for assistance.