Well, you know what? + Ronnie Anne's POV + No one was surprised when they started dating. Thankfully, we decided to skip out on our interests to focus on whats more important. the reporter said - So, stay in your houses, cause it's a blizzard coming. You in here?" (which might be the worst fanfiction ever) In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. The boy, upset to see his hard work destroyed, said something naughty to his sisters. Ronnie Anne: Our school learned an embarrassing secret about Lincoln, and because this secret was about Lincoln being a sissy, I couldnt possibly date a boy whos a weakling. Let's leave the children alone." Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, Lola wants to tell you something. No vulgar language. I cant bring a pageant award, I just polished them and I keep bringing a new one every show and tell. Clyde: Awesome! Christian Car Rides (September 30, 2022). Our brother has turned into a psychopath! I really like this show because I like to make fun of and criticize the male contestants on the show. Lola: Does this mean you still want to be my brother? I just had a bar of soap shoved down my mouth because of a very harsh insult. The image of Lincoln hurting Lola just stuck, and I wanted to think of a scenario that would lead Lincoln into doing this to Lola. Sid, Adelaide and I just to came over to tell you the story! I remember our last Spring Cleaning, my sisters and I had to cover for each other, but that ended up in a absolutely awful disaster. - Lincoln said.
Ronnie Anne Santiago | The Loud House Encyclopedia | Fandom The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. LINCOLN: (excited) Why didn't you say so? LUNA: I don't want to disturb them. - Lori said, relieved - Is Ronnie Anne okay? Lisa: Oh my gosh. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. I hope my sisters dont find out about this. Clyde: I know! Before he can properly store it away, his walkie-talkie buzzes, and Lincoln answers it). I also have a lizard, monkey, pig, frog, dog, cat, hamster, and canary. Only time will tell! The first being "Whitewashed". To be either a professional skateboarder or a chef, "Ronnie" redirects here. Never use that kind of language again! Lana: Yeah! The experience scared the boy so much, he decided to never speak to his sisters again., The next day, the boy did something that made one of his sisters mad. Lola: The moment they told me that, I knew that doing this dance solo was perfect, because you were actually my biggest supporter the moment I joined that dance contest. Ms. Taber: Alright, then. - Bobby said, cautious - Wed better called them to make sure if they're okay! It perfectly describes life in the Loud House, but with my own original characters. Clyde's dad's brought out snacks for the children to eat. - Lincoln ask, (Ronnie Anne nods as Lincoln puts in the movie, Ronnie Anne then place a blanket around them and pulls out a bowl of popcorn and hand it to Lincoln). Lori: A warning! "You go ahead without me, Lincoln." Ronnie Anne: But I still get to hang out with Lincoln, right? Lola: Hmm Where did Lincoln put the big kid scissors. So from this day on, Im refusing to say another word to them for as long as I can. I think it doesnt deserve to see the day of light, EVER!! - Lori said - Bye, Linky.
Ronnie Anne: Yeah, man. Ronnie groaned before thinking to herself for a bit. (Lincoln and Clyde arrive to the Loud House, and when Lincoln opens the door, the sisters, with the exception of Lola, see Lincoln and Clyde, and immediately begin bursting out with laughter. Several students approach Lincoln and Clyde). "Yeah, sounds cool." Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I should have been the prettiest! Lincoln, scared at whats happening, struggles to free himself. Ronnie Anne: If itll make me happy, then Ill do it! The sisters, who were watching Lincoln read their comic on the staircase, quietly follow him into the dining room, where they see Lincoln place the comic in the trophy case, right next to his Most Improved Brother trophy), (Lincoln turns around and sees all his sisters standing behind him). With Ronnie Anne The brown haired latina took some clothes out of her bag, fighting the urge to gag at the sight of the pink outfit in it. Bobby: All right, Ill be back in a few hours to pick you up, sis. RONNIE ANNE: Oh yeah, he's walking to Lori's house for a date. He slips two sheets under the door of each bedroom and walks back into his room. Lincoln: An empty journal? I've had that thought for a couple months, but never thought how I should execute it, until I thought "What if Lincoln had a secret so deep, Lola told everyone?" - Ronnie Anne replied, LINCOLN: Wanna watch a movie? Lola: Its okay, Lincoln. Free to cause havoc for all She also happens to be the younger sister of Lori's boyfriend Bobby. Lola: I know, I screwed up! Lincoln raises his head, and turns his head to see Ronnie Anne), Ronnie Anne: Actually, its something different. This is the first "in-a-half" story on the wiki. LOLA: I hope so, too. (to Clyde) Dont worry, buddy! Clyde: So are you really not going to talk to your sisters ever again? LINCOLN: Hey, Ronnie Anne. (Lincoln and Clyde jump into the truck, and drives off to the Loud House. Im back. -Love your sisters, (Lincoln is moved to tears by this act of apology). As long as youre happy, Im happy. - Lincoln claims, RONNIE ANNE: Yeah, I'd just want to say.. (The sisters, after hearing why Lincoln put their comic in the trophy case, quickly get all teary-eyed, and hug Lincoln tightly). "Bro, are you okay?" asked Luna Lincoln nodded.
BOBBY: No worries, Ronnie Anne texted me that he's with her at our house. Let's just say this is an AU. (Ronnie Anne and Lola walk upstairs and Ronnie Anne knocks on Lincolns bedroom door. Lincoln: Of course! (As Luna said that, the sisters then have a snowball fight, while Lori, Bobby, Lincoln, and Ronnie Anne are ice skating, having fun in their winter wonderland). - Lori said happy, LINCOLN: It's good to see you again, Lori! (Lincoln places the comic deep into his sock drawer. Let's drink! Ronnie Anne returned the glance silently and the two walked in without saying a word to each other. Luan: Who knows? The two silhouettes carry him to the bathroom, where another silhouette shoves a bar of soap into Lincolns mouth. LORI: Thank goodness. Lola: Come in, and sit down on the couch. - Lincoln said sweetly, (Lori and Bobby then kiss each other, Ronnie Anne shrugs and she kisses Lincoln, also, then they kiss each other. LINCOLN: Let's get to Lori!
Fanfiction - No Such Luck Extention 2 - The Loud House Encyclopedia Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride, Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago. I needed something for show and tell! This whole story was made to insult us. - Ronnie Anne said - Come on, let's get rid of your sorrow and let's grab some cocoa. - Ronnie Anne mentioned, LINCOLN: Yeah, I'd remembered those times, my sisters keep meddling in my life and those boys keep teasing me. In Lynn and Lucys room, Lynn is sorting out her collection of balls, and Lucy is organizing her poetry books). Ronnie Anne: Ooh, thats harsh. Maybe you should seek advice from an expert comic book artist. (Leni grabs a couple canisters of insect repellent and sprays it all over the house, causing the siblings to cough and gag. - Lincoln laments - I know it's fun hanging out with you, but I miss the ten sisters I know and love. Ronnie Anne and Lincoln both arrived at Clyde's home at relatively the same time. Lincoln: No, Leni. Lincoln chose to remain silent. - Lincoln answered - You? Everyone wore their swimsuits as to not have to waste time having to change at the beach. We all made the assumption that your story was to make us look like idiots, but it dawned on us that every character matches us perfectly. (Lola shows Lincoln the copy of The Home Dome. (Lincoln wakes up with a sour mood on his face. Ms. Taber: As you may know, today is show and tell. And its all thanks a comic they made. LORI: We miss you, too, Linky. The sisters, Clyde, Bobby and Ronnie Anne slowly back away from Lincoln, and dash off. Lincoln mumbled to himself and decided to head upstairs and check his room. RONNIE ANNE: It's a deal, and I can't wait to see you again, Bobby. - Ronnie Anne mentions. Ronnie Anne: Okay, Lola. She knows a few words in Spanish, but cannot speak it fluently. Lola: Linky, I told Ronnie Anne the story of our brief tension a week back, and how I apologized. Lincoln: (spits the bar of soap out of his mouth) Girls? - Ronnie Anne said - So, where are you headed off to? As we all know, a few of Lincoln Loud's sisters aren't majorly nice as Leni, Luna and Lana, especially Lola Loud (kind of, it's before she got character development), but what if those roles were proceedingly reversed out of the blue? The more I thought about it, I realized "This mostly upsets the sisters, not Lincoln", so I changed it to embarrassing things Lincoln went through, like the fecal incident in "Two Boys and a Baby" and having a girly side in "Roughin' It". I did a little ditty just for him, and my spectacular performance warmed his heart enough to make him love me again. Then after a moment Luna starts to talk to him. I dont deserve to be his little sister because of how I treated him! Lincoln makes his way back to his room but suddenly he got stopped by Luna and Lucy. Im only going to talk anybody who isnt one of my sisters. Lincoln was back home in his room play on his handheld when his phone went off and saw that it was text from a unknown number he opened it and found picks of Carlota in suggestive positions the last one was her winking with a kiss mark on the photo and text that said 'uses these when you think of me,until next time my little Semental blanco.' Its an alternative Ending Creepypasta. According to Hector, when she was a baby, she had gas and would do a goofy dance. They became best friends following the events of "Save the Date", and both their rocky relationship and this tough love, while mostly shown in earlier episodes, would seemingly disappear by the time of "The Horror-Scope", their relationship stabilizing by then. My sisters didnt take my insult well, and they did something harsh to me. Lincoln began walking away. "Ronnie" redirects here. Lincoln looks at them with a deep cold stare, causing the sisters to look away while cowering in fear. Lincoln: (to the viewers) Well, my sisters did it. Lori: Leni, come on! Ronnie Anne: Sup, Linc! (Lincoln takes a moment to think about what Lola said, and remembering how heartbroken he was when Ronnie Anne broke up with him, he lifts his head and smiles), (Happy, Ronnie Anne runs up to Lincoln, and hugs him. Bobby: Why?! ~Back to 3rd person POV~. They looked to see their only brother, Lincoln Loud coming inside, clutching his side. In Luna and Luans room, Luna is deciding which of her old instruments she would like to keep and which ones to hand down, while Luan is tossing out either used gag props or props that arent funny anymore). "You've been spending too much time with Doctor Lopez." stated Lincoln. Best Buddies Turkey Ekibi; Videolar; Bize Ulan; loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory 27 ub. (The girls continue to cry on Lincoln while he rubs their backs in an attempt to console them for the next few minutes. - Lori said, happy, (Lori then gets a notification on her laptop, and it's Lincoln and Ronnie Anne on video chat), LORI: Oh, Lincoln's on video chat! Lincoln, Clyde and Ronnie Anne enter the Loud House). The two are now heading home, when Bobby and Ronnie Anne drive up to them. Signed, Lincoln Loud., (Lincoln stretches his body, yawns loudly, and immediately jumps into his bed and passes out from exhaustion), (Lincoln wakes up and immediately begins to write in his journal), (The other sisters wake up. The sisters are doing their usual activities. I never knew I had one of these in my room for a while. They earned my trust. In Lincoln's room, Lincoln is hard at work deciding what to toss out and what to keep. Watch at Clydes on Oct. 14. You girls were insulted just because I implemented you in a story that I made! (Lana moves her eyes with suspicion) Well, time to toss them out. - Lincoln brags - (answers his phone) Hello? Is he here? - Lincoln said, excited, (Bobby then catches up to Lori, and see's Ronnie Anne, they hug also), RONNIE ANNE: Bobby! A curious expression slowly became present on the light skinned males face before he quickly shook his head. Lincoln notices this, so does Lola) Oops. Lincoln called out. We hope you have the heart to forgive us. - Ronnie Anne says, happy, BOBBY: Ronnie Anne! - Lori said cutely. He may be awkward and unfitting, but theres more to him than what he seems. The Loud family used the boatload of money they had to fix up their house and buy a new van after Vanzilla was destroyed. Lola: I just polished them yesterday. LINCOLN: I just miss my sisters. As the sisters continue to head towards Clydes house, a truck catches up to them, and honks its horn. He glanced at them and noticed they've a worried expression on their faces and stares to their only brother. Girl Jordan: Ooh! Halloween is a time for scares, trick-or-treating, and lots of candy, but Lincoln wasn't expecting any of the candy he got this year. When the sisters watch Lincoln make a fool of himself singing along to these songs, they hear Lincoln sing a song with lots of foul language. The schools resident tough girl who loves to pick on fellow student Lincoln Loud. "Who is it?" ben suarez bread / joseph wiley kim burrell / loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory.
Lincoln's painful punishment - orphan_account - The Loud House (Cartoon Who knew I had so many balls? (Lincoln is at Gus Games and Grub with Clyde). Lana: Is there something you want Lola to do so your relationship with her can be fixed? (Lincoln exits the attic, walks downstairs and enters the living room. (It's a winter day in Royal Woods, it shows Lincoln's school, he's at his locker and grabs his backpack, he went in the bathroom and comes out in his winter clothes). Shes deeply sorry for humiliating you at school. In her prototype design, her skin was light, her hair was red, her sweatshirt was yellow, she wore black sandals, and she didn't wear any socks. This fanfic's idea popped in my head hours ago, so that's why I made it. (Lola turns the page to see the Meet the Characters page), Damien Dome - The Hero (inspired by me)Dean Dome - The Snob (inspired by Lori)Demi Dome - The Prettiest (inspired by Leni)Dawn Dome - The Singer (inspired by Luna)Dana Dome - The Funniest (inspired by Luan)Dora Dome - The Dangerous (inspired by Lynn)Dian Dome - The Scariest (inspired by Lucy)Debi Dome - The Messiest (inspired by Lana)Dove Dome - The Brat (inspired by Lola)Dicy Dome - The Brains (inspired by Lisa)Dell Dome - The Cutest (inspired by Lily), (The sisters look at each other in confusion). Hope you all brought something you would like to share with the class. Ronnie Anne: I want to tell Lincoln something. Clyde said to his best friend. It reads READ ME), Lincoln: Alright. Its back! Lincoln's secret passion is singing along to modern radio songs. It has a note attached to it. (Those words from Leni cause Lola to begin crying). It drove Bobby so crazy that he would sometimes shut himself in the bathroom. Sometime later, Lincoln is sitting in his room, drawing something). !" Lana: Come on! Like Bobby and Clyde, she is afraid of crawling through air vents. Now, I think they hate me. Oh! - Lori said, shocked. (In Lori and Lenis room, the two are going through their closets to determine which outfits to keep and which ones to give away. (As Lucy goes through the books she owns, she comes across her Princess Pony book. She puts the journal in her backpack, and rushes downstairs to meet up with the others). Give a round of applause for Lana Loud. I bet you put a lot of effort into making that comic.
After The Events of Family Bonding - DeviantArt BOBBY: I can't wait to see you, too, Ronnie Anne. (Luan, realizing what chain of events she set off, discretely hides the plastic spider. (Lincoln and Clyde continue to play arcade games for a few more hours. Lana and Lola's first grade teacher, Ms. Taber, is of course, a reference to Catherine Taber, the voice of Lori.
Unreachable, Evil Lincoln x Life (english version), a loud house fanfic Sid: Yeah! Dawn plays a guitar solo that was so loud, the entire house went deaf. When has that ever happened? I originally wanted her to humiliate herself so we can be even, but the last time I did that, I vowed to never do it again. The title of this fanfiction is a reference to "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank. The sisters watch Lola perform from Lana and Lolas bedroom window. Curious, he change into his clothes and run through the backyard, he see's the girls in the front yard in a deluxe pool, they're having tons of fun; Lincoln then walk back in the house and sits on his bed) LINCOLN: See what I mean? Luna: But the jab to me was probably the worst. - Lori said happy. - Lincoln informed - (looking at the window) There's a lot of snow outside. They notice that the window is open. Were so attached to Lincoln in some way, that if hes ever out of our lives, it feels like were missing a puzzle piece. Ronnie Anne is the third character to change voice actors/actresses due to their voice actor hitting puberty, with the first two being.
The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) - FanFiction Wiki The moment she sits down, Lana and Ms. Taber walk back into the classroom. After a few minutes of letting the pain ease, Lincoln lividly limps back to his bedroom and plops down onto his bed). On October 14th,ten sistersdiscovered a book on a young boys desk. Originally, the premise was that all the Loud kids have secret passions, but do them privately in some secluded area. Lola then hugs Lincoln, knowing shell defend him from their mockery. As a baby, Ronnie Anne would soil her diapers and fart a lot.[5]. "Hey, Maddy!" RONNIE ANNE: It's the least I can do for you. Lincoln then lies down on his bed and falls asleep The next morning All of the girls wake up and immediately take action.