you may have a very athletic or toned body, with intriguing scars and/or nice genitals (you are likely super fertile too). negative aspects: people may not know you by reputation which could be better than people that have a negative association with you based on a negative public opinion. many people likely find you dramatic and a bit childish when its important you not be. Accidents, excessive risk, gambles that dont pay off, moving too fast, driving too fast, games of speed/risk. Sometimes in life we may feel that certain events were fated or pre-told. Lucifer is the 1st house - the physical appearance is a source of evil in them. They may be very conceited or full of vanity. Eris- feminine equivalent of Mars, exalted in Cancer. you are a jealous person - i dont feel like i need to explain this one - just look what happened with adonis! I dont post much on here, and especially not about sports, but I just wanted to say how proud I am of Morocco in the World Cup this year. your parents may have told you you werent allowed to date until you were a certain age. it could also indicate a negative relationship with masculine energies in your life. please let me know if you all enjoyed this - if you would like me to revisit any of the asteroids i have already covered and do something similar. leo (5, 17, 29): you have a way of standing out to those around you - its a combo of everything your energy, your manner of speaking, your style - everything draws people in (queue the edward cullen speech from twilight)! Out of curiosity Ive been looking at my chart a little more closely. though pre-warning your relationships may be a bit rocky (maybe even divorce worthy) - there is such a thing as too much alike. Originally known for having stolen ambrosia from Mount Olympus and taking it down to humans (therefore revealing the secrets of the Gods to humans), he then served up his dead sons body parts to the Gods of Olympus. Staying until the bitter end. you are the aphrodite who is just walking through the world adored and you barely realize it because you are so busy taking in the world and the culture around you. this is just a starting place for when examining a single asteroid in an entire galaxy. Its just interesting how much I relate to and understand people on the spectrum, and have my chart to reflect that. Moira may show negative karma in a chart or a very fated life. you may be the person who struggles to gain a following unlike other placements though you are very caring. scorpio (8, 20): you are super alluring to all those around you - *joe goldberg voice* they just want to know who you are. Rebellion, dark side of human psyche, human potential, being gifted and how you use the gift in reality, innovation, confrontation, unconventional, instinctual, Black Moon Lilith- forbidden fruit, you at your worst, intuition, seduction, supernatural, psychic ability, psychic healing, charisma, addiction, obsession, drive, impulse, sexual attributes and tendencies, dark emotions, You can find your asteroid placements here: Ambushes can be psychological as well as physical. aphrodite-sun: admired for your ambition, your caring nature, positive outlook, and/or your ability to express yourself so freely. you may be the type to love being in love - you may not be the safest when entering these relations (you dont care about your heart or theirs) - its always raw and unguarded (lmfao like the sex - but no seriously you likely arent concerned about a possible kid or anything like that you just want to feel free and wild). you likely wear leather, satins, silks - really anything that makes you look seductive yet badass. Nota Bene: its possible this myth has been twisted, and many people note that in some versions of the myth Persephone willingly went into the Underworld with the dark and sexy Pluto. 7328 Casanova your flirting style 3989 Odin your personal power 76 Freya your gift of sorcery 1388 Aphrodite your brand of beauty 1862 Apollo the talents that make you beam 80 Sappho your poetic side 42 Isis your caring side 1923 Osiris how you regenerate 2598 Merlin your magical skill Jupiter rules ur beliefs so maybe people could love u for expressing ur beliefs. you have a lot of drama surrounding beauty standards, with women around you and old flings, or regarding your possession (black friday may get ugly for you lol). you always have a defense for others and yourself - its always true and believable so people tend to back away. how do they know you? (been there, I just wanted to follow someone in each of my classes in case I got sick so I got notes - wasnt even malicious, he just sat behind me lmfao)). While this may show someone with perseverance, the asteroid Astraea more often indicates someone who stays in a bad job/relationship/friendship far too long, or doesnt know when to let go. but hey you are the one people come to for advice about love and romance because you have fabulous intuition when it comes to all things intimate. you may be the only aphrodite placement i wouldnt be surprised to see hide in the wildness when the world seems rough. You also know really well how to react in a proper manner. you likely have a high sex drive that has zero end to it (you are always hungry for more). you probably change your style pretty often - you may even like designer brands and lots of bracelets/rings! you likely have one particular cosmetic you cant leave home without because its critical to your survival (my mother has 2h aphrodite and for her, its burts vanilla beeswax lip balm (yes, it has to be that exact brand and flavor lol); she get really ticked off if she cant find it, lmao 10/10 would lie down and die in a zombie apocalypse if she ran out). you likely receive a fair amount of complaints! you are just as strong as any of these other placements, never think anything different - no need to tear other women down (women should support other women - we are not each others enemies naturally). Related to the mythical, lost kingdom of Atlantis, asteroid Atlantis can also talk about excessive pride or hubris that leads to a downfall, as well as extinction, cultural snobbery, a sense of imminent doom, expiation; use of karma to rationalize events. However, you can end up attracting a partner that limits your casual friendships. Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. i feel like you may not do that enough - its very go-go-go, work-work-work vibes. In the end, Arachne cant go without diminishing the Gods, therefore royally pissing of Athena, who as punishment turns her into a spider. Selecting Asteroid Numbers from a List. I say great, but as well see, it quickly turns into not so great. #astrology asteroids on Tumblr Latest mooncaressed Follow South and North Node touches to any personal planet + Saturn in synastry: these two where together in past lives and in this one they feel an instant familiarity and comfortability when being together. you likely agree that you are dramatic or sassy but at the same time wont admit it because its part of the fun. Hera killed all of her children as a punishment. love asteroids love asteroid love romance astrology zodiac astro community astro placements astrology tumblr astro chart asteroid astrology. your hair likely isnt very cooperative - it doesnt hold curls or it never stays straight when you wish it would. To protest, Persephone stopped eating when she was in the Underworld. Chirons themes include: the wounded healer archetype, learning through suffering, compassion for others suffering, resistance to pain, liminal reality, pre-birth influences, ancestral influences, exile, healing, transformation. Nyctimene in a birth chart closely aspecting the Sun, Moon, Venus, or strongly placed in the 5th or 8th Houses has on several occasions indicated issues of incest, rape, and abuse by the father or father figure. Chiron is an asteroid, regarded in astrology as the wise, sensitive healer who could not heal himself. you may trend towards being overbearing like aphrodite. Can indicate incest, sexual abuse or sexual relationships that go against natural law (bestiality, incest, et. Asteroid Lucifer (1930) in the Houses - Know where evil manifests in your life in order to conquer it. you may be a perfectionist when it comes to your beauty and others you may have a strong opinion regarding a beauty standard. Worry, stress and struggle take on a quality of underscoring life as a problem. ), etc. you may also have an expressive face, be a slender person, be taller than average, and have graceful hands. People with strong Charis are artist. you are so enchanting in presence and personality. Zayn's Charis is in 11 Capricorn, Saturn is in Aquarius and Uranus conjunct the Sun. you may have the power to manipulate those around you (like aphrodite did psyche). Eventually, her mother finds her and negotiates a life where she will live above ground 6 months of the year, and below the other 6. The sign of your 12th house is also very important!. you likely appear petite with very soft, long hair - again venus ruled aphrodite signs have my envy lol my skin and hair will never be as glorious as yours lmfao. This doesnt have to be a bad asteroid whatsoever, as Ive seen it prominently placed in the charts of journalists and researchers, as an example. you very rarely get into relationships unless you see longevity in the person or an adventure you cant resist (very ares and aphrodite like - cant resist the idea of something fun, exciting, and something a bit forbidden (someone you shouldnt be with may just be your type)). They lean towards beauty and harmony. your voice is likely very soft as well. or you may have a routine post-sex - pee, shower, change the sheets, and something warm (idk why a am receiving that part as part of your routine but i am lol). your priorities are you first like aphrodite; which is fabulous but make sure you dont come across as too callous when saying so. conjunctions with chart angles and planets (esp sun & moon) give prominence to an asteroid as well. In astrology, Charis is related to charisma, beauty. Sexual objectification, passion and desire, creativity, can be reckless in pursuit of desires, creative passion, creative joy, Sappho- poetic or artistic ability, graceful self expression, friendship, same-sex attraction, aptitude with words, true sexual character, smarts, more subtle than Eros, Psyche- Venus, Taurus, Libra. you may even be smug when they ask you for help - feeling as though you have all the power back within the dynamic. miley cyrus has asteroid fama in the 5th house (self-expression, drama, creativity) and abundantia in the 1st. if youd like my input on your placements/aspects of this asteroid feel free to comment them or dm me! However, when asteroid Klio is poorly aspected in the chart, there can be an attachment to history or to the story that keeps running in ones mind, which leads to a type of neuroses about the event, person or situation. Need I say more? Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. I am not Moroccan myself but my stepfather is Moroccan and I enjoy the culture. Cupido uses it's native eroticism as a player; to draw people to himself . This is where asteroid Damocles can come in. you love posting things that show your interest and photography is a great way to express your creative eye and do so. When using asteroids the orbs must be very tight, not more than 1 orb. you are likely very proportionate with incredible eyes and eyelashes. people probably know your every move on social media as well. 12h? you are also very prone to being curvy. Muhammad Ali had Icarus next to his Sun talk about speed! One of the questions our researchers have been asking is: Is there a correlation between the placement of an asteroid in a birth chart and the way that God responds presents to the owner of that birth chart. youre the one that sets the standard for the group, so if you function as a regina george the others will follow your lead - please use your powers for good. you dont tend to go for extreme looks but rather the understated ones. The myth of Tantalus is pretty full-on. these are the people who are in like 20 clubs, have a book club, run a stand at the local farmers market, etc. Klytia was in love Apollo (or Helios, the Sun God), but he had another lover. Negative placements show hypochondria, fear of doctors, chronic illness. it also may be a poseidon moment where people look at you and wonder what it would be like to be your lover. Asteroid 7328 Casanova was discovered on September 20, 1984, by Czech astronomer Antonin Mrkos at Klet Observatory in the Czech Republic, and named for Italian writer and adventurer Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), who is best known for his bedroom acrobatics but who was also an accomplished author who wrote on a wide variety of topics, including The asteroid belt is a packed place, but astrologers have adopted a few as our own. Tells us what way or which area were deeply bothered if we arent treated properly. While not necessarily bad (it can stand for an assertive, power-house type of personality, particularly in women), Bellona strongly placed in charts can be extremely confrontational or willing to fight. Spirit asteroid shows your unique abilities brought to you to earth to use for greater good. you definitely arent someone to start drama with or gossip about - think of psyche and aphrodite: youve got all the time in the world and know the truth. One of four major asteroids. negative aspects: you may think no one is good enough for your son or any other male energy you are close to. Astrological significance: Pallas Athene is known to be the goddess of strategy in war and courage. virgo (6, 18): you are the person on a mission - aphrodite emerged from the sea and went to olympus. take what resonates and leave what doesnt! Also chasing after men without accounting for their ability to choose whether they want you or not and/or anguish over your lovers death/watching them die right in front of you. you may have a closer-knit group that I would likely classify as a cult or clique (lol there is no in-between). The asteroid Achilles is one of my key tools, alongside (3811) Karma and (2060) Chiron. Persephone is well-known for her beauty, but constantly rebuffs marriage proposals to stay as companion to her mother. where a lot of people like or adore or love you. you likely wear a lot of athletic wear or tend to go the ares in battle route where he wears the bare minimum! you are likely very fit-looking as well. i have been laying all this out for four weeks now - sorry for the wait, dddssd. my answer: intuition and experience with other peoples charts that i have available to me. Strife, discord, discontent, regenerative planet, feminine side of aggression, of war, of assertiveness, of anger, and of moving out into the world. ill tell you what: you can still girlboss the shit out of life after giving yourself the weekend off, wonder woman. Asteroid Karma stands for exactly what it should: Karmic connections, relationships, pain or circumstances that go back lifetimes. Unending suffering and struggle. you probably love your sweats but also love to glam it up every so often! negative aspects: you may become the mother who believes no one is good enough for her son. this is the person to ask for skin care recommendations and routines/systems. Skepticus means skeptical, skepticism, doubting or discerning. its never just aphrodite. Karma, like Achilles and Atropos, is one of my absolute go-to asteroids. you are the wild one everyone wants but very few get. Asteroids are great fun to play with however, and synchronistic at times. The retrograde is in Aries. there is a chance like, emily in paris, you have a travel blog or some sort of social media presence that showcases where you are and where you have been. *There are multiple liliths, all signifying different things. This retrograde began on July 11th. negative aspects: you get into it with women around you - they may judge you for your sexuality (could be a religious outlook on sex and its virtue) - there are probably a lot of rumors and whispers about your sex life. However with asteroids one must be careful not to give them too much weight in a natal chart. Melete is connected to the Greek word for anxiety, and as such, can indicate anxiety disorders, panic attacks and other forms of mental anguish. The appearance is highly important to them. Stuck in a vicious cycle of rebuilding. Atropos as a theme has a relationship to endings of all kinds: relationships, business, death, accidents, and illness. the material of clothing is super important to you - you may be sensitive to materials like wool or fleece or have preferences like cotton or silk! Juno in the 7th house/in Libra is really unforgiving after argument and you probably really demand strict rules of your partners behaviour, you refuse to compromise, you see permanent togetherness as the end goal of a partnership. Often, Anubis strongly placed in a chart means that death is more than a passing issue; death may become the focus or a recurrent theme in the individuals life. you may be an easily jealous person because you think so highly of yourself - if not you then who? you also probably have a very edgy style! One of four major asteroids. you have very round features (face, butt, boobs, hips, etc. other than that you are pretty like aurora (get it sleeping beauty? You can find this asteroid by inputting the number above into the additional objects section of Tantalus is closely related to our modern word, tantalize. you may be very prone to being 100% together - shared banking, living together (for a while before marriage), talking about forever, etc. you may just lowkey adore babies but when they are kids youre like :/ see me again when you are older, you know when we can have fun gossiping. the truth is that you can have anything you want - so make sure it is what you want not what society expects or what the masculine energies around you expect you to have. there is a chance you have an elegant neck (lovers are likely obsessed), you may be shorter than those around you, and/or have a stocky build (you are probably curvy af :p). Most of the asteroids exist in an orbital path between Mars and Jupiter, and their total mass amounts that being said you could have been adopted by another family member (zeus would have been aphrodites nephew lmao) or it could be a serious case of your the fairness of them all syndrome in your family. Hello, could you tell me what the asteroid Aphrodite in the 1st house in conjunction with Venus means? Pallas shows us how we face challenges in learning and other methods of increasing one's knowledge. 550 notes. you have expensive tastes but its just not accessories, its your food too. Early on, he is abandoned by his mother (his first wounding), who is horrified at his half-man, half-human form; he is soon taken to the Sun god Apollo, who teaches Chiron everything he knows about the healing arts. Abuse, violation of physical boundaries, sexual abuse. Talent in Aries: Talent may be one of passion and excitement, possibly talented in sports or physical . The word or name "Luda" means "Love of the people". Eros is pure eroticism. So in your astrology natal chart the asteroid Luda (1158) can indicate : where a lot of people like or adore or love you.. Britney spears have asteroid luda exactly conjunct her mercury in a 0 orb. you may appear to others as someone with an expressive face - empath vibes. you are the person that everyone doats on - the person that people dreamily agree with readily. libra (7, 19): have you ever seen those fan videos where they are like they kissed my hand, im never washing this hand again? its like the moment aphrodite is suddenly married to hephaestus: like howd we get here, bruv? The mind becomes a multiplex field of material-plane factors to track with and hold together. aries (1, 13, 25): you may have a magnetic personality that is unforgettable. you may actually relate to the eros and psyche story - you know someone will betray the other persons trust, they dont listen, then you just end up being like i told you so. also like that story you may have a hard time changing your opinion about others like aphrodite did about psyche!